Coke Ultimate

#The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company #The Coca-Cola Company

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Letting fans become the hero of their own story

To promote Coca-Cola’s new limited edition flavor inspired by League Of Legends, we collaborated on a cinematic gaming experience. Letting users embark on an epic journey, as
they explore a mesmerizing video game-inspired world.

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A gaming triumph unleashed

When Tool Of North America approached us at Far Far Away to collaborate on a cinematic gaming experience for Virtue and Riot Games, we were excited to
leverage AI and deep-fake technology, inviting fans to become the hero
of a mesmerizing League of Legends cutscene.

Seamlessly integrating the gaming community with the Coca-Cola universe, letting them embark on a journey where small victories become monumental milestones!
All through a streamlined user journey.

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Dynamic and personalized user experiences

To achieve this we worked together on an innovative pipeline that utilized a variety of innovations, like deep fake technology, AI-generated avatars, custom cloud computing stacks, and cinematic WebGL experiences.

We combined this with a sophisticated backend pipeline, making it effortless for end users to participate. Only asking them to upload a selfie, to be rewarded with an epic experience.

Immersion trough live action, AI and VFX

To perform the face swap within the cinematic cutscene, we developed a custom AWS pipeline, in collaboration with Akool. This enabled us to represent a wide range of ethnicity and gender. Giving them even more realism through facial movements.

Using custom shaders and particle sims in WebGL, we achieved realistic refraction effects, smoke, and visual cues. Since the face swap process could then take some time to finish, we needed to implement a creative solution to ensure all users would receive their results as well as the necessary feedback during the waiting period. In the end, a face swap takes a little under 2 minutes.

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Level up with Coke Ultimate

In close collaboration with Riot Games, a visual art style was finally created and translated into 2D and 3D assets. A mockup of the animation cycle helped to translate the art direction into a web experience. Sound design and implementation of the various sound effects and background ambiance were done by Plan8.

Our collective commitment to creating a best-in-class deep fake experience, achieved with just a single photo, demanded a close collaboration with the cross-functional teams over at Tool Of North America, Plan8, and Akool. Integrations users seamlessly into a high-quality, polished live-action cutscene. Setting a new benchmark for what's possible in the realm of deep fake experiences.

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